Monday, December 9, 2013


Hey Everyone!
This week has been good. All in all, it's mostly been pretty ordinary (just doing the stuff we usually do), but good. It's been fun because it's getting closer to Christmas, so a bunch of Christmas decorations are appearing all over the city and members are starting to invite us over for dinners and such (both of which are very fun). There's a lot of more American Christmas decorations in the city, like lights and such, but also there's a few more that we wouldn't see back in the states. I think the most prominant are rows of lights that people put in their windows (they look like candles, and they probably originally were). Honestly, they look kind of like menorahs, but it's pretty cool because just about every window has one lit. Also, a lot of people have an illuminated star in their window as well. I should really try to get a picture of some. 
 We did have our first snow storm this year, we have recieved maybe two to three inches of snow so far. The storm started on Saturday, so it's been pretty cool. The snow has been exceptionally light and powdery, which is cool. It doesn't pack very well, but it would probably be great for snowboarding... in a year or so. But still! 
And we've been invited to a fair number of member's houses. It seems like in the last week or two we've been over to three or four member's houses (which is quite a lot for a small branch in Sweden). It's been a lot of fun, we've had a really good time talking with them and playing with some of their kids. Additionally, we've already been invited over to two more members this week and I think some more next week. It should be good.
  Aside from that, things have been pretty good here. We went to a Zone Training this week in Södertälje, which was kind of nice. At training they talked about serving others and such during the Christmas season. It was pretty good.  Additionally, I went of exchanges with Elder Gray (one of the Elders in the district) this week, and that went well, though we mostly just swung by people. We did have a chance to go to a neat museum in the city for a language study, that was cool. 
  Overall, it was a pretty good week. I hope everything is going well with you all back home! 
  Love you all!
ps. I have my camera today, but I'm afraid I don't have any card reader or adapter or what have you, so pictures will have to wait until next week. But I'll have them!

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