Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hay Bales and Furniture

Hey Everyone!
  This week has been okay. We've been focusing a lot on finding work (again) this week, so we've been out doing a lot of contacting and swing by's and such. It's kind of tiring, but it's been good, we've been able to have contact with a few former investigators and such who said that we could come by sometime. So that's all good. And we actually were able to meet with and have an okay lesson with one of them. He was a little bit tipsy, but he was happy to meet and talk with us and he still seemed mostly together, which was nice.
  On Saturday, we did help our branch mission leader move one of his neighbors from one apartment to another across town. It was pretty neat, because they had nothing really prepared for the move; they had just rented the truck, and they had a lot of stuff. It was kind of okay, because we mostly just moved furniture, but a move that we thought take about 3 hours ended up taking the vast majority of our day. Good fun. Afterwards, though, we went to O N's, the first councilor's, house for dinner, which was fun. He's a really nice guy. It was kind of a stark difference between their house, which you could tell was meant to have some sort of modern minimalism to it and was clean and tidy, and the other house, which was very dusty with lots of junk everywhere. It makes me think that it really is best to avoid keeping unneeded or unwanted things and just keep things simple. 
  Either way, the other interesting thing this week probably happened yesterday, when we went to the less active L family (which is actually why I didn't write yesterday). We left in the morning and drove out to some random village in the middle of nowhere, where we helped B L get a truck load of hay. That was pretty cool, he threw the hay down onto an elevator (I think that's what they're called?), which dropped the hay into a giant truck, which we then organized into stacks. Then the truck drove off and we followed it (the truck actually had a really cool hydraulic mechanism for lifting the bin that we loaded. It was really cool). We then helped unload the truck and stack all the hay in the rafters of the barn. Good fun, I'd say that my arms are kind of tired after the last few days. But then we got to visit with the L's. They're a super awesome family, and the mom told us about how she came in contact with the church and so on. It sounds like they've had an interesting, rather hard life, but they're always really happy and positive. They're really cool. 
  I hope all is well with you guys! 

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