I'm glad to hear that things are going well with everyone back home! Conference this weekend was really good, it was very enjoyable. We were able to watch pretty much everything except the Sunday Afternoon Session, though I'm not sure which were live and which weren't - I think that the only one that was live may have been the Sunday morning session (which we watched at about 6 pm here). Either way, it was really good. Uchdorf's, Neilson, and Holland were all great, and I remember also liking Anderson's talk from the priesthood session. Very good conference.
This week has been good; we've been very busy going around and teaching and whatnot. Really, there hasn't been too much out of the ordinary, though, we've just been meeting with a lot of people and trying to teach them as much as we can. It's been good, but kind of crazy and busy.
A is doing well. This week we went over the Word of Wisdom, and she just agreed to stop smoking there, which was really good (and she's been keeping it up so far, which is even better). There's still a bit of a language barrier, but she came to the women's meeting for conference (we were able to arrange to have it in Albanian, which is good). Things are going well with her.

I suppose of note, on Tuesday we went to the L family's house, which was really cool. J L apparently is a professional break dancer, but he also acts in movies and does stunts and stuff, and he has a bunch of friends in the film industry. I guess the point of that is that they have a bunch of movie props at their house and their living room has a strong Lord of the Rings theme (including a model of Anduril, the sword that Aragorn reforged mounted to the wall). They were super friendly, and we had a great time there.
On Friday we played Innebandy with some of the ward members. It's a pretty fun game; essentially it's floor hockey. Actually, I think that's what it is in English, but there may be some subtle differences, which I don't know enough about either sport to say. But it's all fun, none the less.
And on Sunday (and a bit of Saturday) we were in the church watching general conference. It was a really good meeting, but it lasted for about 10 hours on Sunday, which starts to feel a bit long after a while (granted, there are the two hour breaks, but even then). But it was a really good meeting, I feel like they focused a lot on sticking to our values regardless of what others think, which is good. I liked it.
I hope all is well with you guys!
Hanging with Elder Noso
Lord Vader enjoys his dinner
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