Thursday, January 2, 2014

Holiday Seasons

So the last few weeks have been surprisingly interesting, mainly because of the holidays, but there's also been a few other things of interest.
  I suppose that, starting last week, the biggest event was Christmas. Christmas day was, in and of itself, pretty boring. We mainly hung out with the other missionaries, ate a good sized dinner, skyped with the family, etc. However, Christmas eve, which seems to be the day that is actually celebrated in Sweden (I don't really understand why), was really quite festive and enjoyable. We ended up having breakfast at the K family's house, which was good. It was a traditional breakfast of rice pudding and sandwiches with various foods like cheese, sausage, ham, liver paste, and so on. All in all, it tasted very good, and afterward we played with their kids some and then helped with some other cooking. It was pretty fun. Then we went to the L family's home, where we watched the traditional Donald Duck broadcast (again, I don't understand why...), as well as a few other Disney films and we played a few board games and such. All in all, it was a fun day.
  The rest of the week was fairly ordinary. The day after Christmas was p day, which was largely spent shopping and trying to see what we could find on sale after Christmas (which is part of the reason I didn't write last week). 
  Then, on Saturday, we were at an activity we'd organized for the youth in the branch to go to, and we received a call from President Newell, and I found that I would be transferring the following Monday. So, I'm actually writing this right now from Karlstad with my new companion, Elder Christensen. All in all, the transfer went well, though it would have been nice to be able to have more time to say goodbye to people and such. 
The weather is just about the same here as in Eskilstuna (it's only a few hours away). Maybe it's a bit wetter and slightly more humid, but largely the same
  Things have been going fairly well here. Not too much has happened, though; I was transferred in on Monday, Tuesday was New Years Eve and was fairly uneventful aside from a branch New Years party, which was fun. The New Years party had a bunch of games like musical chairs and some game where you blow a ping pong ball across a table. A lot of the kind of games you'd play at a child's birthday party, which is kind of funny because the attendees were mostly elderly. We also watched A Christmas Carol (some animated one or other), and light fireworks. Wednesday was New Years Day, and we largely organized paperwork and tried to figure out what to do in the area (though we're still working on that; the papers here were pretty scattered), and today we've just done laundry, food shopping, etc. Things haven't been too exciting yet, but I think it'll be a fun transfer.
  Love you all! Hope you all had a great holiday!
                                                                Karlstad Sweden

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