Monday, January 13, 2014

IKEA and Farmwork

Hey Everyone!
So the last week has been pretty good. We've been up to a few different things of interest over the course of the week; so it's all in all been a good week.
On Monday, we had our usual p day activities, and then we went to check out the IKEA here for a little while. That turned out to be a lot of fun, but it was really just the usual sort of stuff that we'd do at an IKEA; look at furniture and random things in their market, and ate food (some sort of chicken with mashed peas? I'm not sure, but it tasted pretty good). It was all enjoyable, though, and I did end up buying a few random things but it was Good fun.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were somewhat more ordinary. We met with a few investigators (who were nice, but very intellectual about things) and less actives (who were quite friendly). Things went well, though it wasn't too exciting.
On Friday, we went out to the L's, a less active family who lives a few hours away. We spent the day at their house; we visited for a little while and then helped them move a bunch of hay they had (they own some sort of an ranch). It was fun, though a lot of work. I think we moved somewhere around 300 bales of hay, which was pretty cool. Hay is surprisingly heavy. Either way, they're a really cool family; we had a good time helping them out.
On Saturday we helped run the family history center in the branch, which is normally not too exciting of a job, but we ended up having a whole bunch of people come (I think at the peak we had about 6 people here, which is fun with only 2 working computers). It was kind of hectic trying to help everyone, especially when I don't understand the church's family history program that well, but it was okay in the end. Afterwards, we tried to visit an investigator, but she wasn't there (despite saying she was a half an hour before), so we ended up walking down this random trail. That actually ended up being quite cool, and was a nice way to end a kind of crazy day. The trail mainly just lead through the woods around a lake, but there were occasional structures so people could step out of the wind and such, and an one end of it there was a really big tower that overlooked the lake. It was pretty dang cool.
Anyways, I hope that all is well with you guys!
                                                         Overview of Karlstad
                                                              Karlstad at night
                                                                 Out on a hike

                                  Huge Hamburger, Julmust Soda and Backgammon-Yummy!

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